Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer is here! - June 27, 2016

Where has June gone? Can y'all believe that July starts this week?

Time is flying by!! I had the sad realization last week that I only have 3 more transfers left and after this one only two more! I'm not even sure how to feel about that... My companion and I had someone tell us that now is the time to start thinking about what we want to do when we get home... Yeah, that thought was a little frightening.

Anyways, I'm glad to hear y'all had a good week! I'm excited to see Amanda's house when I get home! It sounds super cute and seems like it has a lot of space and rooms! Maybe by then she will have pity on me and allow me to stay there for free! Haha my second resort was living with grandma for free but it sounds like Danielle and her fiancé have beat me to that as well. So last resort I will mooch off of mum and dad until I get married and move out! Oh and Manda, I don't want to hear anything about snakes! I feel like they are everywhere in Florida! Not to mention I deal with lizards on top of that!

Mum, your hair looks great! It's actually very pretty and it's a nice golden blonde! So you can stop worrying about it. I'm glad to hear y'all got to spend time with Peggy and John. I am actually serving with an elder from their home ward. We have served together his whole mission so far. He said he knows the Beechers pretty well!

I've definitely realized that summer has finally hit. I forgot how hot it gets here and how much you sweat! It's been up in the 100's this week and it doesn't cool down at nights anymore. But hey it could always be worse. I just need to remember to bring a rag or something to wipe my face at each house so I don't look as hot and desperate! Haha

Last Tuesday Sister Ruesch and I decided to go through our area books and clean them up. We deleted people who hadn't been taught in over 100 days, we called and dropped people who were not interested and we tried to see a lot of potential investigators. While we were doing this we got the feeling that we should try some of our former investigators again. That was a miracle in itself because we found 3 of them who were interested again and we set baptism dates with them!  Yay!!  

We are working with a man named Justin Thomas again. We dropped him last transfer because he was not ready to change his life but this time he says he knows he needs to change and he is willing to turn to God to do it. His baptism date is scheduled for August 6th. We will keep our fingers crossed that all will work out for him. 

Next, we are working with Shirley Green again. She is a hoot.. She says the funniest things ever. My favorite is when she says "oh my, ham sandwich and cheese." Or she loves say "hotdog!" Or "oh my, merciful me!" If you couldn't tell she is absolutely crazy but we love her! She has had almost all of the lessons we just had to drop her because she wouldn't read from the Book of Mormon. But since we dropped her she had been reading on her own and she is planning to be baptized on July 30th! 

Finally, we started working with a lady named Deanna again. She has been taught everything she just needs to give up some bad habits before being baptized. When we met with her again she told us she is finally ready and now that no one will be in the house with her for the summer she can can do it! She is planning to be baptized as soon as her husband gets back in town from work! So yeah, we saw a lot of awesome miracles happen as we cleaned up our area book!

On Wednesday we had a very sad day.. We had our final zone conference with President and Sister Craig. I don't think you realize how much you actually love and appreciate someone until you are saying goodbye to them. A few tears were shed but we are so excited to be welcoming our new mission president and his wife this week to the mission! As president Craig told us this morning on our missionary leadership conference call, "FJM ROCKS!" That's For sure! 

Our new mission president is President Bruce Lee! Haha he and his wife are from Burley, Idaho. They seem great! They own a furniture store there in Idaho and that's about all I really know about them. Haha they will be arriving to our mission tonight around 7 pm and the Craig's will be flying home tomorrow. On Wednesday we will be having another zone conference to meet with new mission president and his wife! It's going to be great!

After our zone conference last Wednesday we had our first trade off of the transfer. It was with the YSA sisters. It was great! They are so sweet! I went with Sister Ward again and we had such a blast. We worked here in Hendricks and Sister Ruesch went with Sister Hannah to the YSA area to work. Trade offs this transfer are going to be crazy.

We were just looking at our calendar this morning trying to finish getting them all in order. We will be having 2-3 trade offs every week until the last week of the transfers. We are also planning a week long transfer with one companionship who is really struggling. So that will be interesting. Sister Ruesch and I will not really be together except on Sundays until the transfer is over. This may be a good thing because we have been butting heads still.. I've come to the conclusion that I am very prideful and I'm working on my pride a little so we can work together better.

Nothing else to exciting happened this week. On Saturday our ward had another baptism. The elders investigator named George got baptized. It was a sweet baptism. He asked me to speak at it so we were able to go and we brought Shirley along with us. It got her excited for baptism!

The best part of the week also happened on Saturday. Both nanny and John were able to go down to the Orlando temple and do baptisms for the dead! It was such a happy day! They both loved it! When we asked John what he thought he said how it great it was! He loved how everyone dressed up in white and how quiet and clean the temple was. He said "there is no place on earth like that!" Nanny loved it as well! She was so excited to do the baptism! When I asked her what she thought she said; well, I've been dunked 8 times now in the past week but it was worth every moment of it! She is excited to get some family history done so she can take the names of her mom, grandma and sisters to the temple. We helped John with his family history Sunday after church. It was so great to see how excited he got about finding out about his family. He didn't know much about any of them. His mom's side of the family immigrated here from Barbados! It was awesome!

That is basically all that I have been up to this week. I've decided to start a diet this week so we will see how well that actually goes.

I have thought of a few things y'all could send me if you were thinking of sending a package. So I ran out of stamps and I have no money to buy more so y'all could send some of those! Also, cute cards that I could write letter on. Basically anything but food and candy will be helpful and nice! I hope y'all have a wonderful week!

Love and miss y'all!
Sister Webb


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