Thursday, June 9, 2016

1 year down! - May 16, 2016

Hello family!
Just in case y'all were wondering, I survived my first full week as a sister training leader! It consisted of being so busy I didn't get a single moment to myself which was exhausting but I managed. We had zone meeting and I gave a training in front of the whole zone which is about 50-60 missionaries. The chapel was packed! Not to mention that President and Sister Craig were there because they are in my zone..Talk about intense! But it went well. 

Basically I was so busy all week before zone meeting that I didn't get a chance to fully prepare my training so I had to get up and go by the spirit. I had a few quotes and a few scriptures but it turned out great! I gave a training on charity! After doing trainings I had the lovely privilege to do the role plays in front of the whole zone. Once again, I wanted to die! I hate role plays as is. So basically we role played how to invite someone to baptism by reading 3 Nephi 11. After we did that the zone critiques you and you have to re role play.. Don't worry though. All went well some how! 

After zone conference I had my first trade off. It was fun! I went on a trade off with Sister Stoddard. She is serving in Mandarin 2nd ward. It was actually a kinda awkward trade off. The two sisters have been struggling and don't get along so the sister I went with broke down and I just didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell her to suck it up but I knew I couldn't. I just awkwardly tried to comfort her. Hopefully I helped some how. We had another trade off on Friday. It was a lot of fun as well! This time I went with the Mandarin 1st Ward sisters and it was so much fun to hear how all of the old people I worked with are doing! I did a trade off with sister Linton. She is awesome! She is from West Jordan and we decided we are going to become best friends after the mission.

So, this week is kinda a blur I can't really remember what happened. I guess I will just tell you about the people we are working with and hopefully then the stories just come. 

First off, we have John Simmons.  He is amazing! He is getting baptized on May 28th!! He loves everything and just can't wait to be baptized. He already calls himself a member. The greatest thing happened to him this week. So a few weeks ago his bike got stolen and this week the senior couple missionaries were able to find him a new bike! He was so happy when they dropped it off!

Next we are working with Nanny. She is the grandma of a member in our ward. She is 83 and awesome! I hope to be just like her when I am that old! She just loves us to death! She called us her little girls or if she wants to talk to you she calls you baby.. Haha it's great! She has a baptism date for June 11. She came to church yesterday for the first time and loved it!

We are also working with a lady named Julie. She is great! Her daughter was a member in the YSA ward here but she passed away last year and ever since then Julie has had dreams that she needs to do her daughters temple work! Crazy right? Now we just have to work on getting her baptized!

We did service this week for the elders investigator named Judy.. That was scary! So she lives in this small one bedroom apartment and she is a hoarder.. The complex told her that if she does not clean it up she will get kicked out so we are helping her. Let's just say the apartment reminded me of something a little worse then Grandma Webb's.  You could not walk in because their we're just piles of things everywhere. Well, we first off I had to coat myself in bug spray because she has fleas in her house... Then she had millions of cockroaches... I just wanted to die! You know how when I go to the DI I get really itchy and I just don't like it? Yeah, this was like a million times worse! I felt as if I couldn't touch anything or else I was going to get fleas and then I just got really itchy! Haha it was all in my head but it was bad!

Well, that about sums up my week! I am basically so exhausted I don't want to write anymore.. This is good though! It just shows how hard I am working.  I'm trying to adjust to sister training leader life! I feel as if I am constantly on the phone reporting numbers to the zone leaders or on a conference call.. But I'll get use to it! 

Before I forget I will give y'all my address! It is: 

1564 Arcadia Dr. #517 
Jacksonville Florida 32207. 

Now I expect a lot of letters and packages to be flooding into my mailbox now that y'all have it! Love and miss you all!

Sister Webb

P.S. I hit my year mark on Friday!!! Can you believe that I have been out a year now?? Crazy right? Time is flying!! I come home in 6 month!  Whoo!!


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