Hey family!
Another week down and only 15 days to go... can you believe we have finally made it! I feel like I have come to the point on my mission where I just don't know what to say any more. So yesterday I hit my 18 month mark!! Can you believe that 18 months ago you dropped me off at the MTC?
Anyways, this week we had so many awesome lessons with our investigator Catie! She is just amazing and we are all so excited for her baptism on the 26th! On Monday we taught her the plan of salvation to her and it was so good! Afterwards we went to FHE and played some dodge ball! It was so much fun!! We also taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ on Thursday. It was so good. Afterwards we went out to dinner with her and a member and got tacos and then we went to institute. We also had a lesson on Saturday with her and taught the Word of Wisdom! She is just so awesome! She agreed to live the Word of Wisdom so she can be baptized! After that lesson the member again took us out to dinner. This time we went out for sushi... it was surprisingly really good! I'm becoming converted to fish after all.
We had trade offs this week. It was my final trade off... I got to go to Hendricks and be with Sister Clay! It was so much fun!! It was so good to see all the old Hendricks gang again!
Friday we had such a good day! We had our mission tour and Elder Gaverret from the 70 came. It was so good. The best part was the fact that Sister Olsen was there and I got to see her!! Later that night we went to see our recent convert Tierra and her brother Deonn was home and he sits in our on lessons some times. It was quite the lesson. So he starts off by reminding us that we promised to make brownies with him when we came so we were like ok.. well, he didn't have eggs so he then proceeds to go to all the neighbors asking for eggs. Finally we find the eggs and he makes us all make brownies and we all had to take turns stirring them. Finally we get them in the oven and he was like, oh wait! Tonight is the pajama pizza party at the club house. Can we please go get some before our lesson? So then we agree and we go down to the club house trying not to completely stand out because we are not in pjs. Well, we got caught by the elders who were also there mooching pizza! Haha it was a fun night!
Saturday we had Stake Conference. It was really good and it was fun to see everyone there! Earlier that day we did service at the dog park and oh my, I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants! So for service we were picking up logs and putting them in a wheelbarrow and then we took that and then we staked them against a fence. Well, the best part was watching Sister Anderson trying to push the wheelbarrow. At one point it fell over and almost knocked her over.. I died laughing!!
Well that about sums up my week! Next week is the last email I will send!! That's so crazy, right? But hey, that just means I come home that soon!! I thought I would leave y'all with a spiritual thought this week.
I was recently reading in John 3,4, and 9. The stories of Nicodemus, The women at the well, and Christ healing a blind man on the Sabbath. I noticed that Nicodemus, the women at the well and the blind man all had something in common. As Christ taught them they all came to know him as Jesus Christ, their Savior. But they didn't start out that way. Nicodemus started by calling him rabbi. The women at the well called him a Jew. And the blind man called him a prophet. As they learned line upon line and precept upon precept their testimonies grew and were confirmed by the spirit. Our testimonies of the Savior can be strengthened the same way. We must ask ourselves do we believe in Christ or do we believe Christ? We must also continually ask ourselves which way are we facing? Are you facing to Christ or turning from him? We all go through different trials as the blind man did. But I know that Christ will always come to find us as he did the blind man. He will never abandon us. We must make sure our priorities are facing the Savior and he will reveal himself to us.
I am so grateful that I have been able to spend the past 18 months doing to Lord's work. I have truly come to know my Savior and felt his love not only for me but for those that I have been so blessed to meet and serve. I have loved every moment of my mission and am sad to see it coming to an end. My mission has taught me who I truly am. I know that I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me. I also know that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and will be throughout the rest of my life. 3 Nephi 5:13 says it perfectly. "Behold, I sister Webb am a disciple of Jesus Christ the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life. " I once read that the word disciple comes from the Latin meaning learner. A disciple of Christ is one who is learning to be like Christ. Learning to think, feel and act as he does. It is my hope and prayer that we can all strive to become a disciple of our Savior Jesus Christ. I leave you these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Love y'all and I hope y'all have a wonderful week!
Sister Webb
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