Dearest family!
How are y'all this week? From all the emails it sounds
like you are doing great! This week has been a pretty good week. It went by so
quickly! It seems like just yesterday that I was emailing you.
So here is my week in a nut shell.
On Tuesday we had zone
conference. It was up in Gainesville and we had to be there by 7:30.
This meant we had to wake up early... I hate doing that! Well both my companions
wanted to get up at 5... Let's just say I laid on my bed until 6 and realized
we had to leave in 10 minutes! Haha luckily I showered the night before! To top
off having to get up early we had to get flu shots at zone conference!
Seriously I thought I was going to die! I'm happy to say I only cried a little
bit! Haha just kidding!! I'm tuff and I didn't cry at all! It may have been the
fact that all the elders were sitting there waiting for their turn after me. I
didn't want to look dumb so I held back my tears! Haha
Zone conference was
really good! Most of the trainings were on becoming a consecrated missionary.
I took plenty of good notes! I am actually giving a
training tomorrow at our district meeting on becoming a consecrated missionary.
I'm not looking forward to it.. But oh well I love doing tuff things! Haha
after our district meeting we did trade offs. I was in Ocala with Sister
Clemens and Sister Bolos, who is our sister training leader. Sister McGregor
stayed in Gainesville. That was a fun trade off. I was assigned to be the
designated driver for the day. Um let's just say, I think my driving could use
some improvement. I guess not driving six months will do that to ya! Haha The
next day we did trade offs again and this time I went to Gainesville. The ride
to Gainesville was ridiculous! It is about a 45 minute drive from Ocala to
Gainesville. It took us almost 4 hours to get home!! About 3 miles from our
exit we hit traffic because there was a wreck and we got stuck in it for 3
hours! It was a pain! We missed all the appointments for the night on top of
that. We left at 5:30 pm from Ocala and made it to Gainesville by 9:22 pm.
next day we did some fun things. Well some tuff things and fun things. For
exercise they go to the college stadium and run the stairs! Let's just say I
thought I might have a heart attack right then! But I survived! The next tuff thing I was faced with was street contacting
or what they like to call turlington.. Basically you go to the campus and there
is a section where it is ok to hand out cards and things to people in between
classes. Well you basically just do it on your own without your companion and
it is just super awkward and intimidating and no one wants to listen to you so
you basically just have to chase people down and keep talking while they walk
away. Or you get to talk to the few people who do stop and talk but they just
want to bible bash you..Haha! Let's just say I am so glad I don't have to do that
on a regular basis! After we did that for about an hour, it was time for the
fun! We did service on the campus for I think it was called Stop Hunger or
something along the lines of that. We put together meals for the homeless. It
was a lot of fun!
Later that night I came back to Ocala. We had a lesson with
Tony. He is still doing great and is so excited to get baptized. After his
lesson we always play volleyball! I am really improving my volleyball skills
out here. We play on p-days with all the elders and then we play on Thursday
nights with the 3 wards. Let's just say I'm going to come home a volleyball pro!
Friday was weekly planning. It wasn't as bad as last
weeks planning but that is probably because this week I just gave up about half
way through and left a few blank spots on the schedule... Don't worry though,
they are quickly getting filled in as we set return appointments with people!
The hardest day to plan this week was Thanksgiving.. Let's just say we will be
having a brunch at someone's house around 10. We have a dinner appointment in
the 2nd ward at 1. We have a dinner appointment in 1st ward at 2 and then
another dinner appointment in 1st ward at 3! Basically I'm going to gain like
100 lbs this Thanksgiving. Everyone wanted to feed the missionaries for Thanksgiving because we are still having people invite us over!
before I forget, mom I am so happy to hear that you fed the missionaries this
past week! I expect you to feed them a lot more! Like weekly or at least once a month! That goes for
everyone who reads this email! I expect all of you to be feeding the
We spent all day Saturday working in the 2nd ward area.
We had some members take us out to dinner at a restaurant called Pig and Cattle. Haha it was so stinkin good! It was a bbq place. I got a
rack of ribs and mmmm.... They were delicious! Later that night we went to the
church for a "Minute to Win it" night put on by the second ward. It was a lot of
fun! They just split us up in teams and had a bunch of "Minute to Win it" games.
Of course I got nominated to do the game where you put panty hoes on your head
and try to knock down water bottles. Luckily I dominated at that game and won!
Yesterday we had church. It was good but long. We had to
be at church at 7:30 for ward council and then we went to both wards and didn't
get done with church until 2! Talk about a lot of church! But I guess that's
all I every really do is church things now. I've forgotten what it feels like
to just have a normal life! Haha! We had a really good lesson with La'lesha last
night. We have been trying to see her a few times a week because she is just
going through a lot right now. We showed her the Mormon Message called "Our True Identity" and then we each took a piece of paper and we had Lele write who she
thought she was and then we each wrote who we thought she was. It was really
It is so sad to see when young girls don't know who they
are and just feel alone in the world. We just helped La'lesha know how much we
loved her and how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love her as well! It
was the best!
That's about all we have been doing. Today we went to Goodwill and I bought another outfit. I bought another black skirt and this
really ugly pink grandma looking shirt. Mom, I don't even think you would wear
it because it is so ugly. But the mission is cracking down on dressing
appropriately and so let's just say this little missionary needs some looser
shirts.. Haha either that or I have to wear a cardigan with everything and some
days it is just too hot for that! It has finally started cooling down these past
few days. I think it has finally got in to the 60's and I'm freezing!!
Mom and dad, I've loved getting your quotes every day!
They are very inspiring. In fact I was going to use one of them in my training
tomorrow! But I loved last nights quote from mom about just being grateful!
That was actually my goal for the week was to recognize and be grateful for the
blessings I have in my life! I thought I would share a few of them with y'all.
I am so grateful that I made the decision a year ago to serve a mission. I
never thought I would serve one and I think lots of it was because of pride. I
didn't want anyone to think I was going because I was old and couldn't get
married but seriously this has been the best decision of my life! I have never
grown so much spiritually or emotionally in my life. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the atonement that I can use each and
every day to make myself a better person. If it wasn't for the atonement I
definitely would not be where I am today! I'm grateful for a loving family who
has been so supportive of anything I do. You all have been such wonderful
examples to me growing up and I hope y'all know how much I still look up to
each one of you! I'm grateful for the best parents I could ever ask for! I am
grateful for the nightly emails I get from you everyday full of love and
And I am so grateful to know that you will be there for
me no matter what! Well my list could go on and on but I am tired of emailing
so I am going to stop.. Haha Have a wonderful week! I love you all!
Sister Webb
P.S. Only like 4 weeks and I get to talk to y'all!!! :)