Monday, October 19, 2015

Preparing to baptize like crazy! - October 19, 2015

Hola me familia!
Guess what?? One more month down only 13 more to go!!! Although I should tell you I've looked up the transfer schedule for next year and my date to come home will be the day after Thanksgiving... Hope y'all wanted two Thanksgivings next year! Haha

This week has been a pretty good week! It was pretty busy at the first of the week because we were trying to pack our apartment at the same time as trying to get out and share the gospel, but we managed. We have seen so many exciting things happening here in Ocala! I seriously just love it here!! Carol is still on for her baptism on Saturday and we couldn't be more excited! We have 2 more lessons with her this week to finish cramming in all of the lessons for her before her baptism.  She loves the lessons though and is so excited to be getting re-baptized!

So to give you a recap of my week we will start with last Monday. So after p-day was over we had scheduled a lesson with La'lesha. She lives in a kinda scary part of town right off of Martin Luther King street. We didn't have a car so the other sisters were kind enough to drop us off. Well we usually have our lessons with La'lesha in a church parking lot.. Kinda weird I know. Anyways so we are standing in this parking lot waiting for Lele to get there when all the sudden this really ghetto car stops and is just sitting kiddie corner across the street from us. It was kinda scary! Basically where La'lesha lives there are no white people at all so now we are these two little white girls standing on a street corner by ourselves in a scary part of town.. Luckily the car drove off after about 10 minutes! We were able to have a good lesson with Lele though, we taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ again and helped her understand her baptismal covenants better.

On Tuesday we had zone meeting so we drove up to Gainesville. It was really good. We had a lot of great trainings. My favorite one was on obedience and becoming a more consecrated missionary. President Craig challenged us to put 2 things on the sacrifice table this week to become a more consecrated missionary. I still haven't quite decided what I am going to do yet. Gainesville is really cool! It is totally a college town. We got to drive past all of the sorority houses.  Everyone there has a little Vespa they drive around. It made me want to just be a college kid! Haha I guess I have that coming for me in another year. Also on Tuesday night we went to see a family in our ward. They own a rodeo grounds! It was pretty cool. They do barrel races every Tuesday night and they are going to start doing things on Thursdays as well. We are hoping that we will be able to go to some of the rodeo they are putting on around Thanksgiving!

So we contacted this referral we received from another area. Her name is Brenda. She is prime! She knows the Book of Mormon is true because she has read it and prayed about it. She has been to church a few times already and loves it! She just moved to Ocala and said that she has already had a minister come invite her to church but she had made up in her mind already that she wanted to attend the Mormon church when she moved here! We are really excited to be teaching her and are hoping to set a baptism date with her real soon!

On Wednesday we spent lots of our time packing and cleaning the apartment because we were having the elders move us on Thursday morning. Later that afternoon we went to see a new member in our ward.  She just moved here from Wisconsin. We started visiting with her and found out that her 9 year old son is not baptized!! She wants us to teach him and get him baptized. Her son is Jonathan. We asked him if we could practice our lessons on him. He was pretty excited! Like I said, we are just seeing so many great things happening here in Ocala!!

So on Thursday we spent basically all day moving.. It was a very boring and unproductive day! But I am happy to say we successfully got moved and settled in. 

Our new address is, 2707 SW 33rd ave. apartment 503 Ocala Florida, 34474. 

So now that y'all have my address I expect to get lots of mail and packages!! I got a package this last week from Carolyn Barnes! It was such a cute package full of yummy things! She knows me too well and sent me 3 packs of Oreos!! :) oh, and to top my package off she sent me some flarp.. Haha everyone loves that stuff!

Ok back to my move, so we are living in a cute little apartment complex. We have a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment. It is really nice because we each get our own bathroom as well as our own closets! I've come to realize that I may have too many clothes for a missionary because my clothes fill up my entire walk in closet almost.... How does this always happen to me. I don't even know how I have acquired so many clothes in the past 5 months.. Haha oh well, I guess I will just have to get rid of some of them when I get transferred next. We decorated our apartment with the cute Halloween decorations y'all sent us! They were really cute!

On Thursday night we had a Relief Society activity. It was on visiting teaching. It was really good. Carol was able to come so that allowed us to be able to go and participate! It really gave me a eye opener to how important visiting teaching is. I can't wait to get home and become the best visiting teacher ever!

On Friday we had weekly planning and then that night the Spanish branch was having a Latin night we were invited to. We got Jonathan and his mom to come to that. It was a lot of fun!! They had a ton of food!! Mmmm, I was seriously in heaven because I just love my Latin food! I think I ate like 5 tamales! Haha they also had singing and Latin dancing! It was fun to see all of the fun dresses and dancing.  The elders sang a song in Spanish and it was really fun! They also sang the Star Spangled Banner at the beginning and it was the strangest thing ever. My first instinct is oh, I need to stand up and put my hand on my heart. Well let's just say they are all Latin so none of them did. It was only the few Americans who stood up. My companion just looked at me like I was crazy when I stood at first until I explained that it was our national anthem. Haha

Saturday we had a yummy dinner with the Tompkins in our ward. They are great! Brother Tompkins told me all about his mission in Japan... It was kinda cool to see all of his pictures. For dinner we had bbq fajitas! They did it with bbq chicken and then peppers onions and mushrooms on them. Y'all would be so proud of me I ate them will all of the peppers onions and mushrooms on them and oh my, they were amazing! I have finally become a big girl and can eat those things now! Mom, I know that statement probably just gave you a heart attack!  Haha   After that we just had a lesson with our investigators Sam and Daniel. It started off real nice. We found out that Sam had all the lessons previously with other missionaries but Daniel had never had any of the pamphlet lessons so we decide to teach the restoration. It was going great until Sam started in on a bible bash... She basically told us that we were not Christians and that she had read the Book of Mormon, prayed about it and knew it wasn't true. It was a long and painful lesson which by the end we just left Daniel with the pamphlets and told him to let us know when he wanted us to come back.

My last exciting story for the week isn't really exciting but pretty funny. So we were having our studies and out of no where Sister McGregor says "spider!" I thought she was just pulling my leg because she does that all the time to watch me scream and jump. This time she was being serious! This was probably the biggest spider I have seen here so far. It was like the size of a 50 cent piece! Well y'all can imagine I jumped up on my study chair and start screaming. Sister McGregor tells me I have to find the bug spray so she can kill it.  Well, I couldn't really find bug spray so I brought her the bee killer instead.. I didn't realize that stuff shoots like 20 feet.. Let's just say we sprayed it and it took off running so Sster McGregor had to smash it with her shoe. I just screamed the whole time! Haha

That is about all of the excitement around here. It is really starting to cool down which is nice! But it is started getting a little too cool for me. I am going to have to start wearing my tights and coat soon!
But I would rather the cooler weather then the heat from summer! I hope y'all have a wonderful week! I can't wait to tell you all about the baptism next week! Oh and speaking of baptisms, I got a email from Brother Wink last night that Gene got baptized yesterday!!! I think I cried a little when I saw the picture! If you don't remember who Gene was she was my neighbor I was teaching back in Mandarin! I was pretty excited for her!! I will send y'all the picture so you can see!
Anyways, have a wonderful week!

Love and miss y'all!
Sister Webb :)


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